Friday, January 4, 2008

La Ciudad

While my circumstances are stellar, the same cannot be said of the Guatemalan majority. Poverty is very visible in most places in the city. We drove past zone 3 which houses a garbage dumo neigborhood with homes made of tin sheets, concrete blocks, and trash. Theft is not uncommon, so one has to be careful. Even in very nice neighborhoods, exteriors of buildings are not much to look at. I am painfully aware of priviledge and poverty here already, and am fraught over my own American priviledge.
Things and people are more relaxed here, which is generally good, though I need to keep my fingers crossed about the lax scheduling making my internship hours sticky. I will be passing Saturday afternoon with ASORGUA and will go to the Total Communication School Monday.


Thomas P said...

I'm glad everything is working out so far! I miss you. and I'm jealous. and I guess I'm talking on skype with you right now as a matter of fact. very exciting.

Alas, I regret to admit that I need to take issue with your spelling of the word "privilege" which you repeatedly rendered as "priviledge".
Dude it's not like, a can't like, climb on it...

Anonymous said...

*sigh* Everything sounds so awesome! I'm glad the host family and others have been friendly and welcoming- I just may have to show up unannounced one day :-)

I agree, its nothing like visiting another place that makes you aware of American privileges...

You are on an amazing ride and thanks for sharing the blog, it makes me smile!

I also added you to skype, so we'll be in touch!



Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog so far, the power outage made me reminisce. Anyways, privelege you have. but at least you are aware of it, and doing something good with it. Can't climb it though, Thomas P. is right. When do you go to XELA? Eat lots of elotes and tamales and dont forget about the toilet paper issue!!!

Cynthia Amerman said...

Hayley, don't worry about the school hours, those will be fixed and people will stick to them. The Comite schools are well run and they set up schedules way ahead. Can't wait to hear about your meeting with Juan Antonio tomorrow. He is a delightful man!

Unknown said...

Hey love, we miss you already! Enjoying your comments and insights so very much. The Canine sends kisses.
Human and Canine