Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Centro de Comunicacion Total

I rode the city bus alone for the first time yesterday, but it was really just a kilometer on the highway loop around the city. 3 minutes and I was at the gate of the school. When I knocked on the giant green cast iron doors, a man who looked suspiciously like the Mayan cousing of the whiskered doorman of the Emerald City let me in. After meeting with K, the very professional VERY young director of the school (27? 28?). All of the staff except 3 or 4 are under 30 it seems. Only 2 mail teachers out of a 20 person staff.
I attended an inservice (workshop) on nutrition with thet rest of the staff. It was facilitated by this animated, guapo homeopath-nutritionalist. I now know how and when to maximize water consumption and the ideal posture for pooping. Also, smoothie lovers beware: fruit from the ground and fruit from trees should NOT be mixed. The presentation had a lot of great info for kids and families, though I´d be lying if I said he didn´t try to sell us chinese herb packets at the end.
After discussing a few more things with K, I got the grand tour of what seems like a campus for Aural-optic deficiency. The school is connected not only to a multi-faceted Comite resource center, but also to the Robles eye and ear hospital. My teacher friend, V, (also a former ASORGUA president), was my guide. I also ate lunch with him and learned a bit more GSL. I came home mid-afternoon and enjoyed having some time to myself (which is ironic, because I´ve had too much of it in recent days.)
This morning we had staff workshops on self-esteem and classroom discipline. I was glad to be able to participate, and actually ended up teaching some attention-getting techniques from my days working at Deaf camps. Tomorrow the parents will come with their children to tour the school and meet the teachers. V said we are getting 50 new students, which is a ton! Monday I will meet with ID, the school social worker, and will be doing a lot of work with her off-campus.
Today ended with a reunion with CA, my mentor-guardian-angel-Gally Alumna who helped make the internship possible. It was greate catching up with her, and tomorrow afternoon I will be joining her and my supervisor in Antigua. Can´t wait!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

MISS YOU!! Huge hugs from the human and canine!