Tuesday, January 29, 2008

el mundo pequeño

Here´s some lite fare to follow up my previous monster-sized post. A friend of mine from the Jewish community invited me to attend his sister´s wedding Saturday night, a huge event attended by upwards of 300 people. After a rousing hora, I found myself standing next to a woman that looked remarkably familiar. The odds of running into someone I know at a private event in Guatemala City are so slim that I figured this was just the result of my having left my glasses at home. When the woman returned my perplexed gaze, however, I confirmed that it was indeed ZU, my neighbor from the freshman dorms at Wesleyan! The bride was her cousin, and she was down for the week visiting family. What are the odds? We had the opportunity to talk and catch up, and of course take a here´s-proof-that-I-ran-into-someone-I-know-in-the-least-likely-of-places digital photo. One of the best rounds of Jewish Geography ever.


Dad said...

Quite a story !!! I always thought it was your mother who knew everyone and ran into various people from her past. Now I am convinced it is a Sneiderman trait. Why do I write this:

Your brother Robb running into Rabbi Brahms in a store in Jerusalem, and on another trip running into a friend of his from camp in a bar in Austraila. Your brother Jason running into a high school friend in the middle of Santa Monica Ca. When your mother was younger she always ran into people she knew from her past in the oddest places.

MPintD said...

It really is "el mundo pequeño"! Thanks to 9th grade Spanish for my understanding of the phrase...

How goes the learning of GSL? I can only imagine what it must be like to code switch between all of those languages!