Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ciudad Quetzal

Today I completed my final home visit for this internship. It was, of course, bittersweet. Agaist the backdrop of a cardboard wall We interviewed a mother who, bless her heart, didn´t know her own age, and made a living from making tortillas with her mother. Her husband is working in the United States as a meat packer for the second time; He was deported last year but has returned.

On the way out of the house, three small girls approached us. They were classic beauties of the campo, shoeless, dirt-smudged, but with all the beauty that any child under 8 possesses, eminating from their sparkling eyes. The tallest one spoke ¨Are you the person that comes to give us shots?¨ No, we came here to help that family, I said. Incredulous, she laughed and asked the Pro Ciegos driver, ¨Are they the ones that come to give shots?¨ There aren´t many visitors in Ciudad Quetzal.

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